Thursday, October 9, 2008

Play Tag

I have been tagged, and have to tell 6 random things about me. Then, to tag 6 bloggers. I only know 3 who have not already been tagged, so that will do.

I'll bet you didn't know:
1. I have a need to prove myself, hence the incessant posting.
2. I am embarrassed I can't follow directions, it's a 5th child thing. So I rarely take classes. Just don't try to tell me what to do!
3.My mental self image is 27 years old, and size 12.
4. I like to eat plain food, the same things repeatedly.
5.I am so affected by colors that I cry when I see beautiful combinations.
6. I've been to 5 countries, and at least 30 states, but never Florida or California.

So, I am tagging Jean at
and Connie at
and Leslie at


Unknown said...

fun! I will have to come up with my six... thinking, thinking... :)

jean canavan said...

hmmmm, a new game! I like that!

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